We all dream of going down to the Stolen Garden.  I can remember spending endless moments tapped into the Repository, just looking at the beauty there where the humans live.  Trees and flowers and rain, red mud rich with clay, the white rush of water over rocks, the patterns that the wind etches out on sand.  Mountains and clouds, snow and sun and stones.  Stars.  I could go on and on until the Long Fight is over, and still I would not have touched on it all.

Let me begin this communication by telling you, my heaven-staying brothers and sisters, that it is a thousand times more beautiful up close.  I spent nearly all of my meditation this afternoon watching the way the shadows played over the grass under the trees.  Such things are not in the Repository—they are outside of angelic knowledge.  I can only imagine what it would be like to experience it all through physicality—to feel that wind, to taste the dew.  May our Father-King allow it me someday.

And just as fascinating to me are the marks that the humans have made across this world.  Everything, from the way wheels on a dirt road have worn tracks over the years, to the skyscrapers and the lights that blaze through the darkness, is amazing.

Now, yes, I know some of you Cleaners will grumble at that—light pollution and “marring the face of the planet” with their roads and their litter.  I know that our siblings-in-ignorance have made quite a mess, I acknowledge that.  But I believe that the beauty to be found in their creation is almost the more stunning in comparison to the mess.  And as we all know, some sweet day the mess will be gone, and only beauty will remain.

I am beginning this communication, this blog as they call it, to share my work and my enthusiasm with all of you.  Some of you may not have the chance to see the Earth until it is made new, and you may never know what it is the humans must face.  They are the warriors on the front lines, and we must respect that.  They are deserving of our honor and love, as well as our assistance and guidance.

My first assignment begins tomorrow.[1]  I am to meet my client before he begins his day.  His name is Lamarr Woods, and the Repository says that he is thirty-two years old.[2]  The case is simple—he is bound for a confirmed partnership, only one indirect intervention required, and Danit, my mentor, will be with me the entire time.  But it is the first time that I will have the chance to act on behalf of a human, and I am incredibly excited.  This is what I have been training for, ever since I chose to become a Cupid.  Finally, it begins.

I will write again tomorrow, to tell you how it goes.


[1] The day-which-is-to-come, which begins after the sun next rises over the Earth

[2] Meaning, he has been on the planet for that many revolutions.