I checked in on Lamarr and Tammy today, as this was to be the day of their wedding. They are doing well, all things considered. It is nearly a month now since Sheridan’s funeral, and the two have borne up under the weight of the recent loss. Shawna, having received the first indication that Tammy was ready to see her again, has not let a single day go by without checking in with her prospective daughter-in-law at least once. She has been a bastion for both of the young ones, helping them with the details, giving advice, and just being present in their lives.

Sometimes it is painful for Tammy to be with her, to see the way this mother cares for her children, as it reminds her of the empty place in her own life. But more often Tammy is deeply grateful for Shawna’s support and love. She has stepped into the Woods family whole-heartedly, and it has been balm for her spirit.

All is well between her and Lamarr, as well. They are making the best of the situation, using the extra time to find a better apartment for themselves and take a more restful approach to planning the wedding. There is not a new date yet, but they do not feel that they have to hurry. I admit that I have encouraged this thought quite often; I think that they have had enough rushing. They are together, and that is what matters.