Thank you to all of you who have been concerned for Mary.  She is better now, though Inca continues to spend every moment she can with her.  I do, too, but I do have my other charges to attend to, while Inca right now only has one other.

I spent today with Brooke as she went about her work.  I have dropped in on her often these past few days, taking what time I have to give her a boost of assurance and confidence.  My hope is that I may make her feel stronger in herself, to make her feel her own person, so that there is not such danger in the thought of losing Morgan.  It may seem paradoxical, but I truly believe that if Brooke can look on that thought with some level of acceptance, it will be less likely to come true.

She has spoken to Erin, making it clear that she is committed to her relationship, but also that she appreciates and respects Erin’s feelings.  It was well-said, and Erin took it well, but still it caused some awkwardness between them.  I have done what I can to soothe that awkwardness, for Erin has been a good friend to Brooke, and she needs someone to talk to who can understand.  For right now, however, I have let the distance remain between them, at least until Erin is fully reconciled to the idea of Brooke’s being unavailable.  Her heart still is tangled in all her interactions with Brooke.

Oh, if only I had all the time in the world!  It is so hard to have to choose who deserves my time and my help most.  If I could, I would help and protect them all.