
Breaking the News

Today was a very difficult day for Gabrielle.  Both Inca and I were with her for the entire ordeal, and while we both agree that she did a beautiful job, it has left its mark on her spirit.  But I am getting ahead of myself. Tonight was supposed to be a date night for Gabrielle and Nick.  She had other plans.  When Nick came home from the park, where he had met a group of his friends for a game…

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A Father’s Disapproval and a Daughter’s Defiance

Hannah has been doing very well lately.  She misses Jack, who is giving his attention to Lily as she settles into his home.  However, they keep in touch with text messages, and it is clear that each often returns to the other’s mind, which I find very encouraging. She’s kept herself busy, though—or rather, busier than she usually is.  Up until this point, her education and her career has been directed toward her intention of going into practice as a…

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Dangerous Love

Today’s work was easy and quickly done—Hannah, Anna, and Freya are all in fallow periods of their relationships, while Allen and Lewis have yet to form the bonds that would truly make a lasting connection. As for Gabrielle, she has all but made her decision. It has taken her some time, because once the dreaded word is spoken aloud, it cannot be unsaid. I have been counseling caution, but it does seem that this will be a battle she chooses…

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Balance Restored

Sabasa and I have, through unspoken agreement, checked in with Allen at different times over the past few days, so there has been little interaction between us since the night Allen met with Megan.  But today, we could not avoid one another, for Allen called Megan after work and asked her to come over to his house to see what he’s done already. I was determined not to be confrontational, but as Inca had advised, I had chosen my battle,…

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One Day at a Time

There are some things that take time. For these things there are no shortcuts, no easy ways through—one must simply have patience and trust and keeping moving forward, one step at a time. It is always thus for anyone who wishes to make a significant change to themselves, and Brid assures me that healing is always that way. So today I went with Lewis and Brid to his weekly appointment with his therapist. Dr. Christensen is quite a fascinating person.…

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